Sunday, June 15, 2008

Oh, and apparently we're famous now... here's a link to an article about us.


Love Family said...

Hooray for being famous! Glad to hear that you made it through Nebraska okay. Good luck through the flood lands.

Kinsey Love-Whitman, NE

dena4kids said...

Hey Guys! All I can say is WOW! Love the blog! Thanks for letting us be a part of your dream! Our prayers are with you guys!
Nathan and Dena Harward

lori said...

Hey Matthew!!!
That article in the paper was pretty cool!!! Hope you guys are surviving the may need to invest in fins!!! Doug sure had sympathy when he saw your hands after your date with the asphalt. It's funny, the red cross keeps calling here for you. They want and need your blood....Keep on pedalling and have a blast...we wish you would update your adventures more often....i mean come on...
we love your! Doug, Lori & Sean