Saturday, June 21, 2008

Well, it's been a while since we've updated our blog and we apologize. It's been another great week though. We rode highway 2 all the way through Iowa and passed through several pleasant towns on the way. Most of the towns had neat historic courthouse buildings (see the photos below). There were also quite a few Amish and Mennonite communities on the way so that was pretty neat. There were lots of rolling hills all through Iowa that made it a little difficult to go as fast as we wanted, but we still made it into Illinois Thursday afternoon. We were able to cross the Mississippi without any problems; there was still quite a bit of flooding in Ft. Madison and we took some photos of that. There was a part of the road going up to the bridge that was flooded about thirty feet across and a foot deep so a nice guy gave us a ride over it in his truck. Then we rode into Nauvoo and we stayed with Matthew's friend Robert and his wife Thursday and Friday night. We met some really nice people in Nauvoo and had a delightful time. We got some delicious frozen custard, did some laundry, took showers, saw some of the historical sites and went to the temple. It was really nice to have some time to relax. We keep reminding ourselves that it's not a race, but an adventure!

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