Monday, May 26, 2008

Idaho Falls to Jackson Hole

It's been an interesting past few days.  We hit a storm coming out of Idaho Falls and had a nasty headwind and so we sat in a subway for about three hours.  We rode to Swan Valley and were informed that the pass we were going to take to Jackson Hole was covered in ice and snow, so we decided to go around the long way.  That night we stopped in Alpine Wyoming and got some groceries- we ate an entire package of 89 cent hotdogs, and then looked for a place to camp for the night.  We were about to camp in some kind of community center lawn, but a nice man across the street said that we could spend the night in his house.  His neighbor was making pork chops and baked potatoes, which he offered us, and we ate them and felt incredibly full.  We got to take a shower there as well.  There are a couple other funny stories about that night that we will have to share later.  Anyways, we wanted to make it to Jackson for church Sunday afternoon, so we rode that morning and made it in time.  It was a really nice single's branch with lots of people there for summer jobs, and we met our good friends Emily and Ashley, who will be blessed greatly for their hospitality towards us.  They fed us and gave us lots of beverages, and let us watch a movie with them.  So that was very refreshing.  After that we spent the night with T-Bone and Jason, and planned to head out in the morning.  But now it is nighttime and we are still here due to inclement weather.  It was raining and cold all day and we really just didn't feel like riding.  But we plan on heading out tomorrow morning. 

1 comment:

Colt Bowden said...

The sweat in your glove is GROSS. Nice bikes.